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Afternoon All,

Hope you're well.

The Management Committee met last night to discuss reopening and the good news is that we are now in a position to announce a reopening date. The Club will be open again on Saturday 18th July from 15:00-23:00.

As we open up again and get used to the "new normal", there will be some changes to day to day life at the Club which we will all have to get used to. For starters, we have slightly different opening hours to what you might be used to...

Sunday to Thursday: 15:00-22:00
Friday to Saturday: 15:00-23:00

As well as these amended opening hours, there are a couple of additional rules to take note of:

- Maximum capacity of the Club will be 40 people at any one time in order to maintain safe distancing. If you turn up and the Club is at capacity, you may have to wait before you will be allowed in. Unfortunately this is unavoidable.
- We will not be allowing guests into the Club at this time. With the limited capacity, we must prioritise our Members who pay their annual fees over any guests.
- All members must sign in at the bar on arrival and sign out as they leave. This is a legal requirement as we must know who to contact if any Covid-19 cases are discovered amongst the Membership. There are no exceptions to this.
- We will not be accepting payments in cash. All payments must be made via debit/credit card or pre-paid membership cards.
- The snooker room and pool table will remain out of use for the time being. We are putting plans in place to open these as soon as possible and will keep you updated as to when the time comes.

One thing worth noting is that we are struggling to get a delivery of ale. We are exploring how to get some in though and hope to be able to have some on draught in the first few days. All other stock has been ordered and delivery is currently on schedule.

We're excited to welcome everyone back and look forward to seeing you all again from next weekend. Whilst we are doing everything we can to ensure your experience of the club is as normal as possible, we too are having to adjust to these new constraints so please bear with us whilst we get back up and running. Things may not be perfect first time, every time but we will get there!

A massive thank you to the staff, volunteers, club officers and committee members who have worked hard and will continue to do so in order to get the club reopen.

See you soon for a beer/wine/short/coffee/soft drink!


Surbiton Club Management Committee and Staff